
Obec: Plzeň (Okres: Plzeň-město)

Úroveň: Kolemjdoucí

Další úroveň: 1 / 10

Bazar index: 71 2 0

Zatroleným hráčem: 1149 dnů

Naposledy přihlášen: před 179 dny

Hodnocené hry

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A la carte (1989)

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Abalone (1987)

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Abyss (2014)

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Adrenalin (2016)

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Afrika (2012)

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Alchymisté (2014)

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Anachrony (2016)

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Arboretum (2015)

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Aristoocrazy (2012)

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AZ Kviz (2007)

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Bang! (2002)

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Bios: Genesis (2017)

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Blafuj (2004)

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Blitzkrieg! (2019)

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Blood Rage (2015)

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Bluff (1974)

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Captain Sonar (2016)

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Carcassonne (2001)

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Cry Havoc (2016)

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Decrypto (2017)

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Dědictví (2011)

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Dixit (2008)

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Dobble (2009)

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Dračí hrad (2007)

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Enigma (2012)

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Escape Plan (2019)

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Ex Libris (2017)

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Fast Flip (2016)

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Fauna (2008)

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Fingo! (2014)

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Fluxx (1997)

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Gizmos (2018)

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Gloomhaven (2017)

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Grabolo (2013)

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Hanabi (2010)

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Heat (2022)

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Hive (2001)

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Hive Pocket (2012)

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Hrady (1990)

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Hypergrid (2015)

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Churchill (2015)

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In side out (2015)

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Inis (2016)

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Jishaku (2008)

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Journalist (2012)

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Kartografové (2019)

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Keetoo (2014)

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Klondike 1896 (2011)

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Kolonie (2019)

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Koncept (2013)

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Krabčáci (2018)

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Kris Kros (-1)

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Krycí jména (2015)

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Krysí válka (2011)

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Kvak! (2015)

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Labyrinth (1986)

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Letter Jam (2019)

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Limes (2014)

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Mamma Mia! (1999)

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Mathable (1987)

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Hodnocení hráče: xxxxxxxxxo Nápad zajímavý. Lišák musí občas googlit, ale ne vždy, je na něm jakou cestu vybere aby hádající spoluhráči došli k cílovému slovu. S časovým limitem 90 sekund to ale nehrajeme, spíš jsme upřednostnili vlastní oddychovou variantu :D

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Messina 1347 (2021)

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Mikádo (1936)

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Misty (2019)

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Mrňouskové (2014)

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Munchkin (2001)

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Na křídlech (2019)

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Na prodej (1997)

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Nemesis (2018)

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Notre Dame (2007)

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On Mars (2019)

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Ostrov (1982)

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Pandemic (2008)

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Patchwork (2014)

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Hodnocení hráče: xxxxxxxxxo Výborný vstupní Pax. Ale to bodování...

Pictomania (2011)

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Planeta (2018)

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Port Royal (2014)

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Predátor (2009)

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Proroctví (2002)

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Představ si (2015)

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Riskuj (2005)

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Root (2018)

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Sabotér (2004)

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Sabotér Duel (2014)

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San Gimignano (2002)

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Scrabble (1948)

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Scythe (2015)

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Shit Happens (2018)

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Slovoslet (2020)

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Sneak Peek (2017)

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Space Alert (2008)

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Splendor (2014)

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Stronghold (2009)

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Superšpión (2014)

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Šestý smysl (2022)

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Tipni si! (2016)

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TipOver (2002)

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TOP 10 (2020)

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Tripolo (2011)

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Ubongo (2003)

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V pasti (2018)

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Vzducholodě (2007)

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Watergate (2019)

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Za plotem (2022)

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Země (2014)

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Vybíráme z Bazaru

Crown of emara
Crown of emara
Akt. cena: 18 €
Končí za: 2 hodiny

Velké herní akce

Kalendář všech akcí >>
